Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

This is certainly a big question, rather I will say one of the biggest question which mostly humans don’t care to think and answer. But as a software engineer and being into the field of farming as well I can now answer this question – NO, AI will never able to bring our old beautiful world back to normal.

Like you, I also read and researched about this topic but unfortunately firstly I preferred to share you all the other side of the coin. By this I would want to share the life from other angle or life without AI is much more beautiful which this generation have not seen. That’s not their problem because there are many reasons for that which I will cover on our future articles.

Humans nowadays have forgotten to watch sun rise, have forgot to listen to bird chirping, have no time to sit on the riverbank and watch water flowing, slicing pebbles and creating hypnotic noises and so on. The incredible internet on their mobile phones have made them not only dumb but also making their brain cell dead.

Now coming to the advantages and disadvantages…

Advantages of AI

1. Solving complex problems – Yes with the collaboration of humans and AI, we can reach new heights in the field of climate change, health care problems and scientific research (ISRO, NASA, etc).

2. Human error reduction – One of the biggest benefits of AI is that it will same time and reduce with a huge margin of any human error. Because of certain sets of algorithm AI do work non-stop and continuously making any work load looks normal as compared to work done by a human. Sounds good.

3. Repetitive Work – AI has the potential to work non-stop with high efficiency and productivity, making human labour free and can shift to other areas.

Disadvantages of AI

1. Loss of Employment – Yes, this is the most obvious demerit of AI, with less job opportunity will potentially cause economic and social challenges.

2. Shift of control – This is another major reason why many big names including major companies are against using AI.

3. High costs – It requires a lot of money to `built any AI tool with the input of many human work to multimillion money. So it looks easy for any user to work on such tools but a lot of hard work had already done to make it easy.

4. Null Creativity – This is the biggest disadvantage of AI. Based on a data and a past experience few AI can predict or creative but that too certain extent.

5. Making humans dumb, lazy and emotionless – This is for me the most disadvantage of AI as if you search or visit any hospital near you, you can never count the number of patients and that too is increasing every day. Patients per doctor is increasing day by day as doctor’s numbers are too less as compared to the patients Increasing.

Best Solution – Humans and AI Should Work Together

The only way to solve any future issue is for AI and humans to collaborate and build on each other’s advantages. I can explain by telling you the tale of the rabbit and the tortoise. We may infer from that tale that although tortoises are patient creatures, rabbits are skilled in swift racing. Hence, in order to cross a river, the rabbit rides on the back of the tortoise, and on the ground, the rabbit assists the tortoise in running quicker and reaching the finish line. We dubbed this TEAMWORK. This is what AI and humans need from each other.

I would also expect a view from our readers on this… Leave a comment below…

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2 thoughts on “Will AI take over humanity? Or Can AI bring this world back to normal?”
  1. […] That’s the point. It will lead to a whole lot of job losses. And. But I am asking one more thing: can AI toil the soil, tilt the soil, put seeds in it, and cut off the crops? I think it will be a little complex. All robotics can do it, but their are certain things that human touches can only do it. The point is that there are many things that AI can do, but there are also many things that AI cannot do and even can’t get close to. There will be many ethical issues raised over AI, and it may be too much of a problem. We also have to control AI because, if used uncontrollably, it can be very harmful to humans, and human values will also be of concern and at stake if we use AI uncontrollably. Will AI take over humanity? […]

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