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Can I sleep after an Earthquake?

Can I sleep after an Earthquake?

Many people have a question like me: Can I sleep after an Earthquake? I will answer this question just for educational reasons. It’s difficult to sleep after an earthquake is hit at your place, scenario will be totally dependent on the intensity of the earthquake. There are few symptoms you could have like dizziness, nausea, trauma, etc.

Can I sleep after an Earthquake?

Try following points if you are one of them and still unable to sleep:

Go to different room – Moving to different corner of the house is a good choice.

Try reading book – keep your mind engaged by reading a book.

Listen to song but be attentive – You can tune to radio and listen to your favourite songs.

Keep your body warm and active – Always be attentive and active so for this just don’t lie and stick to one place, keep moving and keep your body warm.

Be alert if you are alone – problem arise if you are alone, but no worries try reaching someone else by shouting couple of times, if no one approaches try this after every 5-10 minutes.

If you are with your family don’t panic and keep everybody calm.

After earthquake, take these actions:

Take care of yourself & others especially kids

Keep medical kit with you – Always keep basic medical kit.

Check how much damage earthquake has done at your home, watch roof and check if there is any broken concrete because that can harm you.

Cut off the electricity or lights because they could catch fire.

Step outside – If it’s safe to do so, leave your home and remain in an open space with no surrounding obstructions.

Be active on social media – Listen to news on your mobile or laptop if internet is working.

Basic necessities – Carry water bottle and be close to food source as well. If possible save water and food for 2-3 days or even weeks because you don’t know when will help approaches you.

Avoid any damaged area – try not to stay under big buildings especially old ones as big broken concrete could hurt or harm you.

What to do if earthquake is frequently hitting at your place?

This a serious, you need to build everything from scratch if the earthquake has damaged your property. If yes, then make a new one with no floor on it. Try to have multiple doors which lead to open area at least as much big for your family members.

What should not to do after an earthquake?

Don’t panic – Try to be calm and don’t panic as it will create havoc among other humans surrounding you.

Don’t use escalator – never use escalator as wires can be broken.

Don’t use matches and lighters – Gas leaks could occur from damaged gas lines following an earthquake.

Don’t walk barefoot – because broken glasses or other materials can hurt you.

Stay away from old buildings – Huge concrete material can break and hurt you.

Sleep problems after an earthquake?

There are many people suffering from panic disorder (phobia) after an earthquake. This leads to a new topic in psychological as people surrounding the person who is suffering from this disorder must be attentive all the time, not only through day but during night as well.

What person should do?

The person who is suffering from above mentioned disorder must go walk or running on a regular basis, keep body physically active so that after workout the person will feel tired and ultimately body will rest and sleep for an appropriate time. I will not consider to go for any sleeping pills because that is not a long run solution. Just keep your body active, body will automatically release various good hormones. Releasing of any good hormone naturally is the best way to outcome not only panic disorder but also many other diseases.

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