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Super Storms On The Rise

Superstorms are on the rise everywhere, globally. Whenever a superstorm occurs, even in the richest of cities and countries, it always creates a devastating effect on everything, including the economic crisis and agriculture, which then contributes to inflation.

But Mother Nature is not the culprit in any of these things because all this is man-made. When we have caused all this chaos on Mother Earth, we also have to suffer this mayhem. Earth is giving us alert signals again and again, but we are not becoming aware of all these natural calamities that are occurring.

As it is, there is a new study saying that New York City is on the brink of ending due to rising sea levels and superstorms that are said to increase more and more, and New York City will be underwater before 2050. We have already started to see signals of the end of New York City. The latest is the severely heavy rainfall that occurred in 2023 and caused heavy flooding on the streets of New York City.

However, it is also said that the United Kingdom will also sink before 2100 again because of the rise in sea level and superstorms. Also, big swathes of Britain are already at risk of getting plunged into the water. Although many things are being planned in both New York City and the United Kingdom, like water-proof buildings.

flood-stopping balloons and shields that are placed near the sea in an attempt to stop the water from entering the city. However, I think that all these things will probably be unsuccessful because, when nature comes to take her toll, no one will be able to stop her.

In India, the mighty river Maa Ganga will dry up by 2035, giving rise to a huge famine-like crisis that will occur in just a few years. But still, we are not getting alert from all these signals, and this marks nothing other than the terrible end of mankind.

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