Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Although feeding stray dogs is a personal decision, I will say that YES you can feed stray dogs without any justification. These are my excuses for feeding them.

Why you should feed stray dogs:

1. If you can support others, why not dogs – Similar to people who live by a road or without a place to dwell, others step forward to assist them by providing food, clothing, etc. Why can’t someone take similar action for the stray dogs?

2. Dogs are loyal – Loyalty is one of the main reasons that people and dogs have been associated for thousands of years.

3. Lessen Health Issues – It’s true that spending time with a dog can lower stress levels, lower blood pressure, and have other positive effects on your health.

4. Increased exercise — Feeding them allows you to get out of the house more frequently, which will increase your walking and really help you maintain your body’s form by burning some calories.

Feeding stray dog is meditative:

Indeed, a number of medical professionals have advised mentally ill individuals to spend more time with animals, particularly dogs. This is because human-dog interactions can release oxytocin, which helps maintain normal blood pressure and reduce stress in both parties.

What should one feed stray dog?

Do not spend money on dog food. The strays are not accustomed to it, and it is very costly. They will not even touch it. Try to find out what kind of meals they typically eat. For instance, if there are numerous tea shops nearby, they will undoubtedly consume cakes or biscuits. Check to see if someone else in the area can feed them.

Biscuits – Purchase a tiny package. Serve one and observe if they take it. If the dog appears uninterested, act as though you have nothing further to offer and begin to leave. It’s likely that dog will notice nothing is improving and decide to consume it instead.
Roti/chapati bread. not aged.

Boiled eggs – Although they are a little pricey, I have never encountered a dog that doesn’t enjoy boiled eggs.
milk. For this, a tiny container is needed.

Boiled rice with gravy (chicken, mutton, or fish). Since rice is so inexpensive, those who care for stray dogs typically feed them a lot of it.

Where to feed stray dogs?

This is a crucial issue since, while feeding stray dogs might alleviate public concerns, doing so in an area with less traffic is a wise decision that will also allow you to spend valuable time getting to know the dogs.

Here’s my real-time experience

It’s December and freezing cold in my city as well and we have few dogs in our colony with new born puppies. What I observed while passing, people shows no interest to feed the new puppies, most of them not even try to see and play with them as they are on their mobile phones. They are just physically moving and not mentally present.

After watching this couple of times, I came forward and offered breads to the big stray dogs and warm milk to the little new puppies. I felt so amazed and meditative, from then on I offer meals to them regularly.

Then I also contacted one of the local NGO who give some basic necessities to them like food utensils and warm cloths. We had also an elaborate chat regarding some medicines which the NGO will provide for the stray dogs – RABIES VACCINATION, TICK PREVENTION.

If you also want to help the stray dogs, I hope you will find this article important and try to share your views and if you have some experience share in the comments section below with others…

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